PE Information and Times

PE Days

Children may continue to come into school wearing the correct P.E. kits on the days that they have PE. On cooler days, children should wear their school sweatshirt or jumper over their PE tops.

No jewellery should be worn in school except for small stud earrings. These must be removed independently by your child before P.E. and swimming lessons. Alternatively, they should be removed before coming to school. Thank you for adhering to this safety requirement.
Please see below for further guidance on PE Safety eg clothing and earings.
PE Times
 During the Autumn Term, the following days are PE days for specific year groups:
  •        Year 1 – Tuesday and Fridays. Forest School outdoor sessions will continue on a Friday morning. (Children should arrive dressed for the outdoor session and bring their PE kit to change in to for the afternoon session.)
  •        Year 2 – Tuesday and Thursday
  •        Year 3 – Wednesday and Friday.
  •        Year 4 – Monday and Wednesday
  •        Year 5 – Tuesday and Thursday
  •        Year 6 – Thursday and Friday. Year 6 will be swimming on a Friday for the first half of the term

Reception children will not require PE kit until the Spring Term, when timetabled dedicated PE lessons will begin.