School Uniform

School Uniform

A uniform gives a school a sense of identity, belonging and pride. It also ensures all pupils are on an equal footing, provides good value for money and minimises conflict in the morning about what clothing should be worn!  We strongly encourage pupils to wear school uniform; please adhere to these guidelines at all times.

Uniform Guidelines:

Upper Body:

  • White polo shirt or white shirt
  • Blue pinafore summer dress
  • Navy sweatshirt, cardigan or jumper.
  • No hoodies, please
Lower body:
  • Black or dark grey trousers
  • Black, navy or grey skirt
  • Pinafore summer dress
  • No leggings or jogging bottoms
  • Black shoes are preferred, all black trainers are also fine.  No coloured logos please.
  • Sandals can be worn with socks
PE Kits
  • Black or navy shorts
  • White T-shirt
  • Black/navy jogging bottoms (no large branded logos ) for colder weather
  • Warm long-sleeve top for colder weather (again no large logos)
  • Trainers  
  • Hair bands to tie back long hair

PLEASE ENSURE YOUR CHILD’S CLOTHING IS LABELLED CLEARLY WITH THEIR NAME - any misplaced items can then be returned to the owner.

Piercings: only simple stud earrings are allowed to be worn to school.  For safety reasons, hoops or drop earrings are not permitted.

We understand that the cost of uniforms can add up, especially with multiple children at school and therefore it is not a requirement that branded uniform is purchased. However, we would appreciate everyone adhering to the recommended school uniform style and colours.  It is much cheaper to buy plain blue sweat-tops than branded ones!

We often hold School Uniform Events where you can donate unwanted uniform to the school.  During these events, you are free to take quality second hand uniform to help with the cost of replacing or renewing when children grow!

PE Days

Children may continue to come into school wearing the correct P.E. kits on the days that they have PE. On cooler days, children should wear their school sweatshirt or jumper over their PE tops.

No jewellery should be worn in school except for small stud earrings. These must be removed independently by your child before P.E. and swimming lessons. Alternatively, they should be removed before coming to school. Thank you for adhering to this safety requirement.
Please see below for further guidance on PE Safety eg clothing and earings and to view a PE Timetable for each year group.
School Uniform Website
Lionel Walden has an online uniform shop through our supplier, Price & Buckland Ltd. By logging on to the link below, parents can shop for school uniform, browse the range available, place an order and pay online. All orders will be delivered to the school where they can be collected from the school office.

The range of uniform available includes cardigans, sweatshirts, fleeces and reversible coats, all with the school's logo embroidered on them.