Y4's Class Assembly


24th June 2022

This morning, parents and grandparents came into school to watch Year 4's Class Assembly which was about 'Royal Rulers'.
The children have been learning about British monarchs from William the Conqueror to Queen Elizabeth II and the impact they have had on Britain.  The children started with the Battle of Hastings, singing a song about the end of Anglo-Saxon rule, showcasing their Bayeux tapestry sketches and sharing their newspaper reports.  They then taught us about King John and the importance of the Magna Carta - the children created their own for the school.  We were also provided with interesting information about Queen Victoria and the Industrial Revolution.  The final part of the assembly was dedicated to Our Queen and her Platinum Jubilee.  The children shared their collage silhouettes and commemorative coins which they made during design and technology lessons.
Well done, Year 4 - a fantastic assembly!