Year 4 Assembly and Parent Workshop


30th November 2023

Year 4 Class Assembly
The school and parents of Year 4 were treated to a spectacular assembly based around Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and their History learning about the Vikings!  Great speakers, super singing and some very creative costumes added to the event!  Well done, Year 4!
In English this term, Year 4 used Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl to write their own versions of the story; some of the children read out different plot points to retell the story while others held up their ‘experience day’ invitations.  Mr Abey was a little sad not to have received an invitation as he does like chocolate!
They also explored colour and patterns in Art using paint to create their own Willy Wonka paintings. The children also sang the song “Mama Mia”, which they learned in our music lessons.
The children have also been learning about the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings this term and showed a range of their work. This included showing what their names would be in Runes and Newspaper reports about the Viking’s raid on Lindisfarne. They ended the assembly sharing facts about the Norse Gods and Goddesses through a game of Family Fortunes!

 After the assembly, parents and grandparents were invited to join their child in the classroom  to make Christmas tree hanging decorations. For each step of the decoration, the children collected verbs (which they used the spelling rules to put into different tenses) and adverbs. This will be used to write their own set of interesting instructions.