Mother's Day Gifts from LWSA


12th March 2021

Mother's Day Gifts from LWSA
The Lionel Walden School Association (LWSA) normally asks for donations of toiletries, make-up, jewellery, chocolates and other items for a stall which is held on the Friday before Mother's Day.  Children usually bring in £1 and purchase a gift which is wrapped and taken home as a gift for Mother's Day. 
Unfortunately, due to Covid restrictions, this cannot take place at the moment.   However, the LWSA committee members have very kindly purchased a primula plant for each child so that these can be given this year instead.  They have also given one to each member of staff to acknowledge their hard work through this challenging time.  This very kind gesture is much appreciated by the staff.  The children were also very pleased to be given a plant to take home.
The children have also enjoyed making Mother's Day cards in school this week.
Thank you to the LWSA for their thoughtfulness.  We look forward to the future when we can enjoy, once more, the events and activities that they normally organise.